Friday, December 24, 2010
This I Believe...: The courage of Linus
This I Believe...: The courage of Linus: "My daughter, Laurian, has a security blanket that's really soft and cuddly. It gives her comfort not only in the way it feels, b..."
The courage of Linus
It's no surprise that most people have heard the Christmas story recited by Linus in Charlie Brown's Christmas by Charles Schultz. Linus is unassuming. We take him as a little bit of a weakling, and that makes us feel good about ourselves. He sucks his thumb and carries a security blanket! We probably all relate to Linus, though. Like Laurian and Linus, we may not suck our thumb or carry a security blanket in the form of clothe, but oh, more often than not, we carry a security blanket. It may be in the form of a liquid, a pill, a person, a thing, a position, or a number. I find it ironic, though, that my most secure state of being never has anything to do with something I can see, touch, smell, or taste. Linus's monologue gives us a rare scene where Linus lets go of his blanket. What gives him courage to let go? It is in the telling, no...the believing in the story of the birth of Jesus. Its longevity and constancy is why we, like our little cartoon friend, can find courage to let go of false securities and feel the swaddling of a Love that has no measure. In the birth of that Son is where we find peace, love, comfort, acceptance, and hope in the One who has always been present among us.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Save money, avoid stress anxiety in December
So I have unlocked the secret of how to save money and avoid stress and anxiety during the holiday season. I can only recommend this strategic plan if you have that gene in your DNA (which my husband and I both possess) that allows you to go through life with the attitude, "If it doesn't get done, chances are no one will notice. If I don't answer that call, they'll call back if it's important. If I miss that event, meeting, party, etc. life will go on. I will delete those 22,000 messages in my inbox later." I know some of you are breaking out into hives right this instant.
Here's the secret: Don't even think about shopping online or in stores until December 22nd!!! Seriously, that is the way we've rolled this year. Partly because I had back surgery this fall, and that just set me way off if I had one. We've also been cursed with the flu. No, we haven't had the flu shot. Of all the things that I can deal with "putting off", this will not be one of them EVER AGAIN!!!
When your kids are young, their list changes by the day! In years past, here are a few list changes that took place within days of Christmas: a Top Gun military fighter pilot suit, a snuggie (before snuggies were cool), and solar panels. Yes, solar panels.
So get your flu shot in November. In December, sit back, grab a cocktail as you decorate your house, if you feel up to it, go to those parties you remember you got invited to, and enjoy almost the entire month without breaking a sweat...until the last few days!
Here's the secret: Don't even think about shopping online or in stores until December 22nd!!! Seriously, that is the way we've rolled this year. Partly because I had back surgery this fall, and that just set me way off if I had one. We've also been cursed with the flu. No, we haven't had the flu shot. Of all the things that I can deal with "putting off", this will not be one of them EVER AGAIN!!!
When your kids are young, their list changes by the day! In years past, here are a few list changes that took place within days of Christmas: a Top Gun military fighter pilot suit, a snuggie (before snuggies were cool), and solar panels. Yes, solar panels.
So get your flu shot in November. In December, sit back, grab a cocktail as you decorate your house, if you feel up to it, go to those parties you remember you got invited to, and enjoy almost the entire month without breaking a sweat...until the last few days!
happy parent?
This was actually written in november on my other blog- I'm adding it in case you who have been following this one missed it...enjoy!
Are you a happy parent?
Sometimes I don't like the word "happy" because I think it sounds trite, or it diminishes the real state of being that one really means to express. Don't get me wrong. I love to be happy! I love to laugh and be silly! What I really like more than being happy, though, is to be content. When I'm content, I'm void of want. I don't obsess about material things, and I'm not trying to control everything and everyone around me. I'm at peace with my very existence.
I don't mean complacent. I possess enough self-awareness to acknowledge my flaws. I'm very aware of my shortcomings, but find freedom in the fact that I'm a work in progress. I have to make a conscience decision to give myself and others grace and mercy, because the grace and mercy bestowed upon me is immeasurable!
I like this article below because it encourages us to find genuine happiness in our life WHILE we raise our kids. Parenting is not for the faint hearted and weak. Parenting is not for power, either. The title of "parent" comes with no pre-requisites, and does not promise any rewards. I'm not guaranteed "happiness" because I've been given these little humans with wills of their own and souls that are being
The trophies are not ours, the grades are not ours, nor the personality and impeccable manners! The disappointments, the pain, the hard-work, the inconveniences, the embarrassments....those things ARE ours! This is when we breathe through the nose...breathe through the nose...and deal with it!
I don't mean complacent. I possess enough self-awareness to acknowledge my flaws. I'm very aware of my shortcomings, but find freedom in the fact that I'm a work in progress. I have to make a conscience decision to give myself and others grace and mercy, because the grace and mercy bestowed upon me is immeasurable!
I like this article below because it encourages us to find genuine happiness in our life WHILE we raise our kids. Parenting is not for the faint hearted and weak. Parenting is not for power, either. The title of "parent" comes with no pre-requisites, and does not promise any rewards. I'm not guaranteed "happiness" because I've been given these little humans with wills of their own and souls that are being
The trophies are not ours, the grades are not ours, nor the personality and impeccable manners! The disappointments, the pain, the hard-work, the inconveniences, the embarrassments....those things ARE ours! This is when we breathe through the nose...breathe through the nose...and deal with it!
If we depend on our children to be the source of our happiness, then we have replaced them with our Creator. Being a parent is a sacred task. With the proper perspective, we can enjoy the process of raising our children. Do you find fulfillment while you parent? Do you find that your emotional state depends on the mood of one or all of your kids? What is the source(es) of your "happiness" or "contentment"? If the majority of our happiness is dependent on your kids, where will it come from when they leave?
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Midtown Church Made Offer to Purchase
Midtown Church Made Offer to Purchase
This is a great article from Tom Bailey Jr. of The Commercial Appeal revealing details not known to the public. My vigilance for the preservation of this building is primarily because it is a historical landmark that anchors my Midtown community. If CVS wants to do business in this Midtown neighborhood, I do hope that in good conscience they will withdraw their contract in order for a local church to worship and serve the community. It wants to make a fair market offer to St. Luke's Methodist Church.
CVS is deceiving the people in my community by claiming the church is beyond repair. Check out my last post. You will see two different sets of interior photos of the building that have not been seen by the public. They refuse to allow outsiders, including the media, inside the building.
http://www.commercialappeal. com/news/2010/dec/12/no- negotiating/
This is a great article from Tom Bailey Jr. of The Commercial Appeal revealing details not known to the public. My vigilance for the preservation of this building is primarily because it is a historical landmark that anchors my Midtown community. If CVS wants to do business in this Midtown neighborhood, I do hope that in good conscience they will withdraw their contract in order for a local church to worship and serve the community. It wants to make a fair market offer to St. Luke's Methodist Church.
CVS is deceiving the people in my community by claiming the church is beyond repair. Check out my last post. You will see two different sets of interior photos of the building that have not been seen by the public. They refuse to allow outsiders, including the media, inside the building.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Interior of UAMC/ JFK
Union Avenue United Methodist Church - a set on Flickr
***photos taken by Carl Fox, Memphis,TN - a set on Flickr
***photos taken by Carl Fox, Memphis,TN
***I took the photos in the following set, fall 2009
Please take time to view and enjoy them. Next Thursday, December 16th, a court will decide the fate of this historical landmark that anchors the landscape of my neighborhood in Midtown Memphis,TN. The legacy of The Union Avenue United Methodist Church will be put to death if CVS is allowed to purchase and demolish this building. Local organizations have expressed serious interests. I hope they will be given the opportunity to purchase it and the honor of restoring it to a place of worship for the Midtown community.
***These photos were taken by TN Representative Steve Cohen, when he was 12 yrs. old. It was the only day in which Kennedy and Nixon were campaigning in the same city.

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Please don't let CVS demolish this historical building in Midtown Memphis!
CVS plans to demolish this architectural gem that is listed on the National Register of Historical Places. CVS has signed an agreement to never demolish a site that is listed on the Register.
If you have a facebook account, join Mempis Heritage and Save Union Ave. Methodist Church!
If you have a facebook account, join Mempis Heritage and Save Union Ave. Methodist Church!
Google "CVS lawsuits" ...will update later!
Please send this to anyone you know (you don't need to be a resident of Memphis) who is interested in helping Memphis Heritage and the community of Midtown Memphis!
Please send this to anyone you know (you don't need to be a resident of Memphis) who is interested in helping Memphis Heritage and the community of Midtown Memphis!
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